Please Complete Our Tour Inquiry Form
This is an inquiry form. It does not guarantee a booking. Once you have submitted this form, someone from Premier Boat Tours will contact you to make your booking or answer your question.
If you need a reservation for today or tomorrow, please do not use this form. Please book online (directly from this website) or call us on 352-434-8040. If it is outside of office hours leave a message, we will get back to you ASAP.
* Indicates required field.

Tours depart from Lakeside Inn, Mt. Dora
11:00 am2-Hour Dora Canal Tour
Adults - $35
2:00 pm2-Hour Dora Canal Tour
Adults - $35
Sunset1-Hour Lake Tour
Adults - $24
(Departs 45 minutes before the sun sets)
If we do not have people reserved, we do not send a Captain to the boat! Call daily between 9 am and 5 pm:
352-434-8040 RESERVATION